Monday 2 April 2007

Bus Lane Map

Friday 23 March 2007

Current Situation

Here are some of the current lane width measurements on Duffield Road. Taken in two places these measurements demonstrate serious problems for safety and traffic flow particulary nothbound. These widths are under the minimum recommended by the Department of Transport. Guidelines such as these are there for our safety! This picture shows the squeeze and demonstrates that there is no room for safe traffic flow, safe overtaking, turning, movement to allow the emergency services through, access on and off the road for residents and space for cyclists!

Before the Bus Lane

This picture demonstrates the space between the lanes allowing safe traffic flow. Due to the volumes of vehicles using this road and types of vehicles this scheme represted a safe option. The descretionary space gave people safe driving options

Emerging Cars from junctions and residents drives - Northbound

Before the bus lane residents could use the descretionary space to enter the carriageway safely. As the traffic is squeezed in to such narrow lanes emerging cars are now blindly entering 'live traffic' forcing drivers northbound to make evasive manouvres. Due to the lack of room these drivers are moving over in to oncoming traffic lanes. This is likely to cause head on collisions if the bus lane is occupied. The bus lane at present acts as a buffer lane!

Before the Bus lane cyclists had lots of room - no more!!

This image demonstrates that the old lane widths gave vehicles ample room to overtake cyclists safely. Due to the narrow lane widths vehicles are now trapped behind cyclists unable to overtake. Very dangerous and off putting for cyclists, the current situation is forcing motorists to overtake unsafely as they become frustrated driving at cyclist speed.

Overtaking & Right Turn

This image demonstrated that traffic was able to flow when cars turned right. At Mile Ash lane, Ferrers Way and particulary when residents turn right in to their drives northbound congestion is being caused as traffic can no longer overtake. This also causes problems when deliveries vehicles stop outside residents houses. There is no longer a way for outbound traffic to overtake safely.